Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us!

So we've been married for 5 years, I really can't believe it's already been that long. We had a really good anniversary, it was nice to just have a day to ourselves. (Thank you Jen!!) She got the privilege of babysitting 5 children under the age of 4, exciting huh! Their anniversary is coming up, so it will be payback time. We decided to go down to the Mesa Temple and do a session, we've haven't been to the temple together for quite a while. In North Dakota it was a 5 hour trip one way, and then when we actually did live by the temple for the summer, we had a brand new baby, now the temple is only a 2 hour drive one way (with good traffic), so we don't have much of an excuse now. We stopped and ate on the way down, and just had a good time being able to carry on an adult conversation. The Mesa temple is really pretty, it makes you feel like you're in Hawaii with all the plam trees and tropical flowers. We got stuck in traffic forever on the way home, but what's a little more together time....Our anniversary present to ourselves this year is taking a cruise, just the two of us this fall, so we've been working really hard to look half decent when we go! On the way down Jared and I were thinking about all the things that we've done in the last 5 years, we did things a little backwards, we bought our first house when we got married, then we sold it to help pay for school, and moved into an apartment, we've lived with in-laws twice, and we are now finally getting ready to get into our own house again. We've moved 5 times, we have two kids, we've had 3 dogs, and no longer have any of them, Jared graduated from college, and we're now settling into his career. It is so nice to be steady now, and know where we'll be and what we're doing. Don't get me wrong, we have definitely had a lot of fun these last 5 years!! We'll just see what the next 5 years bring!! I had to teach my quarterly relief society lesson on Sunday, and I taught it on the two talks given by Sis. Beck, Stand Strong and Immoveable in Families, and Mothers Who Know. It's always a great wake up call when I teach, because I definitely learn the most. I have been reminded of all the things that I have been blessed with and the wonderful family that I have.


Cristi & McKay Morley said...

Hey guys, I'm glad you had a good anniversary! McKay and I need to be better at going to the temple too! K so I didn't even recognize Kyla in the pictures, she looks so big. I miss you guys I wish you were here. So did Turbo blow away in the wind too? For Mothers Day we just got my Mom that watch and I will put your name on the card.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Davis'!!! You guys sure have a lot of celebrations in the springtime!!!

Nat said...

Happy anniversary!! Five years flies by when your with the ones you love huh! Congrats to you two and I'm glad you were able to have a fun day to yourselves!

SFHS '99 said...

I've added your blog to the SFHS Class of '99 Blog Archive. I hope you don't mind. Please visit the site and look up old friends from high school and leave a comment.

Nicole said...

Hey, You guys have suc a darling little family! Your girls are very cute! It is so fun to see everyone!

From Cristi's Wedding in July '07